• Mine action operator

    Free Way

    The way to security runs through Us

  • We expand the boundaries of Your safety

    Humanitarian demining

  • Explosive Ordnance Risk Education

    Non-technical survey

  • Manual Mine Clearance

    Technical survey

    Battle Area Clearance

Mine action

Humanitarian demining is the clearing of areas and objects from explosive objects carried out in order to ensure the safety of life of the population.

What we do

Our mission is to provide safe and reliable humanitarian demining services.

Our units

Non-technical survey and public information unit; Technical survey unit; Demining unit; Mines and explosive objects destruction unit


We organize training for new employees and improve the skills of our experts


Our mission: Our mission is to provide safe and reliable humanitarian demining services so that people can safely return to their homes.

Company goal: Our company's goal is to protect the civilian population from the threat of explosive remnants of war (ERW). We work with governments, international organizations and agencies to carry out humanitarian demining of minefields, booby trap mines and other areas where explosive ordnance has been dropped or abandoned by warring parties.

What are we doing?

Non-technical survey of the mine situation of the territory

It is a method that helps in the collection and analysis of data on the presence, type, distribution of mines and explosive ordnance without the use

of technical means. A non-technical survey of the territory provides decision-making on the priority of areas where mines and explosive objects are located by providing facts


Non-technical survey of the mine situation of the territory

It is a method that helps in the collection and analysis of data on the presence, type, distribution of mines and explosive ordnance without the use of technical means. A non-technical survey of the territory provides decision-making on the priority of areas where mines and explosive objects are located by providing facts


Technical survey of territories

Technical mine reconnaissance includes the collection and analysis of data on the presence, type, distribution and surrounding conditions of mines and explosive ordnance using technical means to

more accurately determine where mines and explosive ordnance are present and where they are not to facilitate prioritizing the release of land and ensuring decision-making by providing facts.


Technical survey of territories

Technical mine reconnaissance includes the collection and analysis of data on the presence, type, distribution and surrounding conditions of mines and explosive ordnance using technical means to more accurately determine where mines and explosive ordnance are present and where they are not to facilitate prioritizing the release of land and ensuring decision-making by providing facts.


Demining the territory

Demining consists of operations to identify, remove or destroy mines and explosive ordnance, and

demining operations may also require access, diagnosis, decontamination, final disposal and (if necessary) protective work.


Demining the territory

Demining consists of operations to identify, remove or destroy mines and explosive ordnance, and demining operations may also require access, diagnosis, decontamination, final disposal and (if necessary) protective work.


Clearing the areas of hostilities

A measure aimed at the detection and neutralization of specific areas where hostilities have been conducted and which may include defensive positions and locations where aviation or artillery

munitions, including cluster munitions, have been released or dropped. Depending on humanitarian priorities and necessary land use, the clearance of areas of hostilities may include surface and underground clearance.


Clearing the areas of hostilities

A measure aimed at the detection and neutralization of specific areas where hostilities have been conducted and which may include defensive positions and locations where aviation or artillery munitions, including cluster munitions, have been released or dropped. Depending on humanitarian priorities and necessary land use, the clearance of areas of hostilities may include surface and underground clearance.


Disposal/destruction of mines and explosive remnants of war

Includes all aspects of explosive remnants of war (ERW), including the identification and disposal of unexploded ordnance and abandoned explosives through demining operations. The implementation of

the operation for disposal and destruction of ERW varies from relatively simple methods of burning and open blasting to very complex industrial processes involving the relevant specialists.


Disposal/destruction of mines and explosive remnants of war

Includes all aspects of explosive remnants of war (ERW), including the identification and disposal of unexploded ordnance and abandoned explosives through demining operations. The implementation of the operation for disposal and destruction of ERW varies from relatively simple methods of burning and open blasting to very complex industrial processes involving the relevant specialists.



Demined territories


Destroyed mines and ammunition


The territory is released


People are informed

What our team do?


Our company organizes training for persons who want to build their career in mine action and continue to work in our team.

Proficiency enhancement

We provide proficiency enhancement opportunities for experts of the pyrotechnic units of our company.

Career growth

Career growth is inevitable for everyone who wants to become an even greater professional in one's field of specialization.